Legal Support and PRO-services
in the UAESORP Group’s professionals efficiently resolve all legal, migration and administrative
issues which may occur while starting and running your business in the UAE, and deal with the authorities on your behalf using 15 years of experience in the UAE.
Knowing the ins and outs of doing business in the UAE as well as the complexities of the legal system, legislation, and bureaucracy, is a huge benefit to have on your side. SORP has maintained close ties with the UAE's governing authorities over its more than 15 years of existence while also keeping an eye on all legislative changes. The experts at SORP Group, one of the best business setup consultants in Dubai, are in a great position to help you, protect your business interests, and direct you in the direction of success.
Legal and Pro Solutions That We Offer
issuesLegal services, consultation and support for incorporation, IP, legal agreements, contracts, and more
preparation and expertiseVerifying legal contracts, contract language, interactions with the government, and other obligations
researchStudying certain legal key points and offering legal advice to assist you in decision-making
and labor proceduresVisa support and employee hiring
procedures with the UAE Ministry of Human Resources & EmiratisationRepresentation with
government authoritiesSubmit paperwork and applications and address legal or formal concerns with the appropriate regulatory bodies
serviceCertifying documents at the Dubai court and executing several powers of attorney on your company's behalf
Due diligence of trading
partners and stakeholdersConducting research on potential partners before hiring them to identify and reduce risks
dispute settlementResolve any conflicts between
your business and third parties before the court gives a verdictSupport in
real estate dealsEnsuring that any property
involved in a purchase or a sale has clear and unencumbered title and agreementsDrawing up
a willAssistance in registering your title
to UAE real estate as part of estate planning proceduresDissolution
of legal entitiesLegal dissolving your company and
its operations while meeting all UAE legal requirementsAssistance with
bankruptcy proceduresClosing down your
UAE company due to its financial insolvencyBenefits of Our Bundle Solutions
- Document PreparationPreparing applications, agreements and legal documents to incorporate and launch your UAE business
- Mixture of PRO ServicesRepresenting your company with government bodies, visa support, submitting documents to UAE institutions
- Due DiligenceConducting due diligence as and when required to check out potential trading partners, suppliers and stakeholders
- Deal-Making SupportChecking fairness of deal execution, running negotiations, preparation and legalization of documents
- International ServicesStudying the law of a stakeholder’s jurisdiction, efficient application of double taxation treaties
- Business Owner's Risks EvaluationBusiness efficiency evaluation, assessment of internal and external risks and errors in legal decision making
- Comprehensive Legal SupportProvision of a full bundle of professional legal and PRO services for your UAE business
- Administrative SupportI am resolving administrative issues, secretarial services and HR policy development
- Business Management ServicesOperations management of your business at all stages, business review and crisis management
- Accounting ServicesHigh-quality accounting for your business operations, safe keeping of source documents
- Tax PlanningTax registration with Federal Tax Authority, preparation and timely submission of tax returns
- International Tax AdviceOptimizing your business taxation and obtaining tax resident status to protect against automatic data exchange (CSR)
Professional Business Support
with Compliance to UAE Legal StandardsGet a free consultation
with a SORP expertOur specialists will help you choose the best fit bundle of services and provide comprehensive support for your activities in the Emirates.
Give your UAE business the best chance for growth and success together with SORP Group!